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Off-Line edit: mission accomplished!

After 16 weeks of editing, we have just finished the final off-line edit of American Winter.  We are thrilled to have gotten the film to this point, where we can show a powerful and tight cut to distributors, festivals, and advocacy groups that are interested in teaming up with us when we rollout the film to the public.  But we still need to raise more money to actually complete the film.  So for now, we are putting our focus on raising the remaining funds to complete the sound edit and mix, color correction, titles/graphics, and music. 

We hope to finish American Winter as soon as possible.  We are already in discussions with a number of major non-profit organizations nationwide that would like to use this film to engage their communities and support the work they are doing to help vulnerable families and restore the American Dream.  American Winter is a powerful and authentic view of the experiences of American families after the economic downturn and the enormous cuts to social services.  We hope you’ll stay tuned as we get closer to  releasing this important film.