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"Crisis Call 211 Puts Camera on Plight of the Poor, Former Middle Class"

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW), with over 32,000 members,
has endorsed our project and posted an article about Crisis Call 211 (now renamed American Winteron their blog Social Workers Speak today.

Crisis Call 211 wins project of the week on Indie Wire

Thank you for all your votes and your show of support.  Thanks to you Crisis Call 211 was voted Project of the Week in Indie Wire.  Our documentary (now renamed American Winter) is now in the running for Project of the Month and we're excited.  We're still gathering donations to our KickStarter campaign and we only have 19 days to go, so spread the word to make this important social documentary happen.

Vote for Crisis Call 211 on Indie Wire

Our documentary Crisis Call 211 (now renamed American Winter) was project of the day on Indie Wire on Monday, and today and this week-end you can vote to make it project of the week.  Your reward:  you will help with the making of this important documentary that may influence social change.  Not everyone can pitch a tent and occupy their city to speak up against social disparities and hardships, but you can help today by voting for Crisis Call 211 on Indie Wire.

Our film is Project of the Day on today!

A BIG THANKS to those of you who have contributed to our film on Kickstarter!  We've been working hard to get the word out about the film, and today we are featured as indieWIRE's project of the day!  
Joe Gantz spent the weekend in Portland, meeting with crew, visiting the 211 office, and laying the groundwork for production, scheduled for November 28th.  There is definitely a lot of passion and enthusiasm for this subject matter, and it seems like  EVERYONE we talk to about this film feels the same sense of urgency to show the consequences of this broken economy from the viewpoint of families just trying to get by.  Now we just have to reach our funding goals to make sure we can start shooting by the end of November and get this film out into the world before the 2012 elections!  Keep spreading the word!  We need your help to make this happen!  

How families cope as they lose it all

A very interesting article in the Los Angeles Times about families trying to cope during the financial crisis. Familes facing the economic downturn deserve the voice that the documentary Crisis Call 211 (now renamed American Winter) will give them. By helping finance the documentary on KickStarter you can help give a voice to those most at risk.

picture courtesy of the Los Angeles Times